Know About New Zealand’s Second-Ever Maori Queen 

Know About New Zealand’s Second-Ever Maori Queen 

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Nga Wai Hono i te po Paki was anointed as the new Maori Queen, succeeding her father, King Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII, who died last week. Thousands gathered at New Zealand’s Tuurangawaewae, the meeting place of the King movement, to bid farewell to the late king and witness the anointment of his daughter. 

The ceremony, known as Te Whakawahinga, involved the placement of a sacred bible on the queen’s head and the use of sacred oils to bestow prestige, power and spiritual essence upon her, as per AFP. During her coronation, she wore traditional Maori attire including a headdress of fern leaves, a light brown cloak and a carved whalebone necklace. 

Here are some facts on the new Maori queen:

  1. Nga Wai Hono i te po Paki is the youngest child and only daughter of King Tuheitia and Queen Te Atawhai Makau Ariki. She is 27.

  2. She holds a Master of Arts in Tikanga (Maori societal lore) and has served on the board of the Te Kohanga Reo National Trust, which focuses on strenghtening the Maori language, as per AFP.

  3. She was chosen as successor at the Te Whakawahinga ceremony where a group of 12 elders from various Maori tribes, known as the Kiingitanga advisory council, chose her to become the Maori queen. Despite having two older brothers, NNga Wai Hono i te po Paki was selected to lead, which the Maori people called a “new dawn”. The late Maori King’sfuneral took place shortly before her ascension.

  4. She is the eighth Maori monarch and the second queen. Her grandmother, Queen Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu, was the first queen and served for four decades until 2006.

  5. She has a traditional chin tattoo (“moko kauae”), received at age 19, which honours her father and the time he dedicated to his role as king. 

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