Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said the ongoing Lok Sabha elections were not for satisfying his personal ambitions, but for fulfilling his “mission.”
A strong and stable government was important not only for the country but also for the world, he said, speaking at a poll rally in Junagadh in Gujarat.
“These elections are not for my ambition, as people have fulfilled that ambition in 2014. The 2024 elections are for Modi’s mission,” the PM said.
Accusing the opposition Congress of having a “dangerous mentality”, PM Modi said its manifesto is written in the language of Muslim League.
For Congress, this election was all about saving its existence and the party was taking help of its “Mazhabi vote bank” to stay afloat, the prime minister claimed.
Referring to the controversy surrounding the Katchatheevu island, he said during the Congress rule, the Union government had no idea about the exact number of islands India had.
“I then got a satellite survey done and found that we have 1,300 islands. Some of them are as big as Singapore,” said PM Modi.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)