Apple has once again captured global attention with the launch of its latest iPhone 16 series. Each year, devoted customers worldwide flock to Apple stores to get their hands on the new models, often travelling great distances and waiting in line for hours. A similar scene unfolded during a major event at Apple’s Cupertino headquarters and its new retail store in Malaysia, where the company unveiled the iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro Max.
A viral video shows hundreds of eager customers lining up outside Apple’s first retail store in Malaysia, located in Kuala Lumpur’s Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) business district. The clip, which has amassed over 5 million views, captures the excitement ahead of the store’s opening. “This is the line for Apple The Exchange TRX. Doors opening at 10 am,” the caption reads, as the video showcases the long queues of people.
Customers were invited to a special event titled “Jom Discover” to celebrate the opening of the new Apple store. The event featured various activities, including photo opportunities with Smashpop using iPhones, a live performance by the musical group De Fam, drawing tutorials on iPads, and creative sessions with Internet star Adam Lobo on Macs, among other attractions. This engaging lineup likely contributed to the long lines and extended wait times for Apple enthusiasts.
The long lines, however, sparked mixed reactions online. One user commented, “I’m not gonna wait in that line just for a phone with a better battery.” Another user joked, “Android users laughing in the corner while eating an apple.”
Some questioned the wait, with one individual asking, “Why can’t they just wait for 2 days and get a phone without standing in line for hours?” A fourth person explained, “It’s because it’s the first store in Malaysia. Before, people had to go all the way to Singapore.”
“Look I like iPhone also. It’s reliable. But I can wait for availability online. This is crazy,” a fifth user wrote.
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