Ujjawal Asthana, co-founder of activewear brand Zymrat, recently announced his decision to leave Bengaluru after 14 years to settle in Pune. In a heartfelt farewell note shared on social media, he reflected on how Bengaluru shaped his life, offering him his first job, entrepreneurial success, and a rich personal and professional network. He mentioned that despite being an outsider, he never felt like one in the city. Mr Asthana emphasised that Bengaluru has more to offer beyond its pleasant weather, vibrant coffee culture, craft beer scene, and thriving startup ecosystem. He encouraged others to look beyond these aspects and experience the city’s true essence.
“Bangalore has been home for 14+ years. The city has given me all the good things in my life – first job, first foreign trip, a life partner, 2 successful businesses, funding, startup acquisition, great friends, a network worth in gold and much more. I am not a local but there wasn’t a day when I felt like an outsider – and if you are thinking that because I live in a bubble of high rise and car – that’s not the case. I have also lived the BMTC, Auto, and Cab life in the city for the longest time,” he wrote on X.
Personal note: I am leaving Bangalore for Pune.
Bangalore has been home for 14+ years. The city has given me all the good things in my life – first job, first foreign trip, a life partner, 2 successful businesses, funding, startup acquisition, great friends, a network worth in…
— ujjawal (@ujjawalasthana) November 24, 2024
Despite his deep connection to the city, Mr Asthana highlighted Pune as his next chapter. As for why he’s leaving, Mr Asthana didn’t explicitly state his reasons but mentioned it’s due to professional purposes. He also said that he is excited to explore new opportunities in his new home.
“Bangalore is not a city, it is a beautiful experience that is hard to explain in words. You experience it once you live with the people here and walk in the lanes of Jayanagar. People who call Bangalore “meh”, need to live beyond the weather, coffee, beer and startups. And while I am going to make Pune my new home, and I can’t wait to start my journey there, I will keep walking in the lanes of Bangalore – the city I have called home since I became an adult, on each trip,” the Zymrat co-founder added.
The post sparked a lively discussion in the comments section, with users sharing their thoughts, experiences, and comparisons between Bengaluru and Pune. One user wrote, “Pune is a great city to live in – good people, weather, food, vibes. I’d say that it has the good parts of all Indian cities and none of the extreme greats or bad.”
Another commented, “Pune is a great city. I miss that city every day. you will love the weather and the food.” A third said, “Pune is Bangalore on a smaller scale. Come!”
“Pune has the best of both worlds. Modern infra and greenery + mountains on the outskirts. Has a rich history and amazing food too,” a fourth added.